Carrot cake is like the corrupted school girl of the dessert family. Seemingly wholesome but shockingly sinful under that fluffy, angelic frosting. I was a firm believable that vegetables should have no place inside a dessert. That is until I tasted the dense, gooey, sweet, cinnamon-infused slice of pastry heaven of a carrot cake from Fresh in Toronto, Ontario. They make a mean vegan carrot cake with a secret ingredient that I won’t reveal here, but let’s just say that if you had any reservations about carrot cake, this one will turn you into a carrot cake lover in a heartbeat. The colour of the cake is a dark, rich orange, with fiery specks of carrot throughout the cake. With the teasingly spicy hint of cinnamon, and the moist, dense and luscious texture that sticks to the roof of your mouth, this cake is definitely a sin in disguise.