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Tag Archive for covent gardens

Jamie Oliver, you make good pasta!

Jamie’s Italian

12 Upper St. Martin’s Lane

Westminister, London, England

If you’re a Jamie Oliver fan, you’ll know that he is obsessed with Italian food. He even based an entire…

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Souk Medina: Belly dancers, Dolmades and Tagines in London, England

Souk Medina Tea Room, Bar and Restaurant

1 Shorts Gardens, Charing Cross, Covent Gardens, London, England

If you like belly dancers and Moroccan food,…

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Kopapa: A Tasty Contemporary Spin on Traditional British Fare

Kopapa Cafe and Restaurant

32-34 Monmouth Street

Seven Dials, Covent Gardens, London, England

Right at the heart of the Seven Dials in Covent Gardens, London is…

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